The Ritual of Taking Care of Your Skin

One of the first thing’s I assess when seeing clients in clinic is what their at home skin are routine is like.

I get a mixture of responses from clients using every product under the sun to some who don’t wash their face or apply anything at all.

We need to find the balance between these two things and establish a skin care routine that works for the client as this is half the battle in taking care of your skin.

I break down what a client is currently using on their skin and my main question is always - is this working for you? If you feel that it is, then great, keep it up! If you feel there is something lacking in this area and would like some assistance than I am more than happy to make suggestions as to what can be added in or what can be taken away.

The basics of a skin care routine at home will look something like this:







Not everyone is going to need all of these items and proper skin evaluation will be able to let you know what your most needed products are.

With the proper skin care regime at home, you will get even better results with the treatments offered in clinic because your skin will be taken care of in between sessions.

Let’s get you started on your own skin care ritual.

Cam Marshall